Butimba Teachers College

Butimba Teachers College
Butimba Teachers’ College was established by the British colonial government at Bwiru suburb in Mwanza town to accomplish its goal of preparing teachers who could provide services in the educational sector in the lake zone regions. It was officially opened on July 8th, 1939 by Sir Mark Young, the then British Governor of Tanganyika protectorate. In 1948, it was shifted from Bwiru to Pasiansi suburb on temporary terms. In 1949, a permanent settlement was prepared at the Butimba peninsular where the buildings were completed in 1952.
From its inception up to 1964, the college was headed by British Principals. From the same year 1964 onwards, the college was headed by Tanzanian principals. For example, Mr. Curtly was the first principal of this college, who headed it, for the whole of the founding year of 1939 while Mr. P.G. King’ori was the first Tanzanian principal who headed it for about three years from 1964 to 1967. The current principal is Mr. John Ole Meiludie whose term began in 2012.
Location and Boundaries
Butimba Teachers’ College is located in Nyamagana Municipality in Mwanza City popularly known as the “Rock City”. It is situated six kilometers south of the city and is surrounded by water bodies leaving a narrow outlet making it a kind of beautiful peninsular known as “Butimba”. The college can be accessed via all means of transport especially railways, roads, air, and water.
The institution is surrounded by a number of other institutions such as St. Augustine University of Tanzania, Marine Police Institute, and Fresh Water Fisheries College. Others include the following secondary schools: Mkuyuni, Nganza, Nyakurunduma, Nsumba, Nyamagana, Nyegezi, and St. Mary’s Nyegezi Seminary. Amani and Iseni Primary Schools are also in the neighboring suburbs.
The list also consists of such beautiful places as Mkuyuni market, four churches, three mosques, Nyamagana district hospital, Tanzania Peoples’ Defense Forces’ transit camp, and Butimba prison. The immediate boundaries of the college include Butimba Prison in the South and Lake Victoria in the North, East, and West.
Juhudi na Maarifa
To provide quality educational, academic, social, and recreational services to the maximum satisfaction of its clients.
To be the best provider of quality principles and skills of teacher education and a competitive workforce for global economy.
To prepare competent, disciplined, and independent teachers in areas of teacher education, academic disciplines, sports and games and fine and performing arts with the capability to nurture student’s talents in the ever-changing world of science and technology.
To improve academic performance of students in each subject;
To promote a culture of research, publication, and in-house training;
To strengthen effective teaching and learning environment;
To ensure better students and staffs’ health and social welfare
To ensure availability of resources in fine and performing arts and sports and other fields;
To improve college infrastructure and internet connectivity;
To increase the income of the existing projects by 50% throughout the year; and
To strengthen the college security by 80% throughout the year.
Target Areas
Academic performance;
Staff professional development;
Teaching and learning environment;
Students’ and staffs’ health and welfare;
Infrastructure; and
Income-generating projects.
Core Values
Culture of Excellency
Effectiveness and Efficiency
Action orientedness
Flexibility and
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