Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS)

Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS)
The Moshi Co-operative University (MoCU) was officially established on 4th September 2014 following the elevation of the then Moshi University College of Co-operative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS) into a full-fledged University. The history of the MoCU dates back to 5th January 1963 when the Co-operative College Moshi started its operations catering to the training of manpower in the co-operative sector under the then Ministry of Co-operatives and Community Development. In 2004, the Co-operative College Moshi was transformed into Moshi University College of Co-operative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS) as the Constituent College of Sokoine University of Agriculture.
MoCU is located in the Moshi Municipality in Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania along Sokoine Road. Currently, the University is organised into faculties, directorates, bureau and Institutes as follows:
Faculty of Co-operative and Community Development (FCCD)
Faculty of Business and Information Sciences (FBIS)
Directorate of Research and Postgraduate Studies (DRPS)
Directorate of Co-operative Library and Archives (DCLA)
Directorate of Undergraduate Studies (DUS)
Bureau of Consultancy Services (BCS)
Institute of Continuing Co-operative Education (ICCE)
Directorate of Human Resources Management and Administration (DHRMA)
Directorate of Planning and Finance (DPF)
Dean of Students (DoS)
The University has one teaching Centre at Kizumbi in Shinyanga Municipality. It also has 13 regional offices that cater for all Regions in Tanzania. The regional offices are located in Moshi, Tanga, Shinyanga, Mwanza, Dodoma, Tabora, Kigoma, Mbeya, Iringa, Songea, Kibaha, Mtwara and Singida regions. MoCU conducts a range of residential, non-residential and distance learning programmes, tailor-made programmes, field training, research, and provides advisory and consultancy services.
The objectives of MoCU are to advance knowledge, wisdom, understanding and enhance creativity through teaching, research and consultancy on all matters relating to co-operative development, rural transformation, business studies, information and communication technology, law, accounting, finance and other relevant fields.
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