TCU Applicants Selected 2023/24:- List of Candidates Selected to join into Different Universities for the academic year of 2023-2024 {Majina ya waliochauliwa Kujiuna na Vyuo}
The Tanzania Commission on Universities (TCU) is the legal and regulatory organization established by the Tanzanian government in 2005 to oversee university education in Tanzania. It is the body that needs to be recognized, approved and approved before any university can start.
TCU Applicants Selected 2023/24 [Majina ya Waliochaguliwa Kujiunga na Vyuo]
These are names of applicants successful to be admitted into different Prorammes for the different universities in Tanzania. Most of Students who applied to be admitted have been selected to join into different Universities for the specific year 2023/24.
To download and view the complete list of students admitted to various universities and technical colleges in Tanzania for the 2023/2024 academic year, Follow the links below to view the full lists:
Click on the links below to access the list of selected applicants for various colleges and universities in Tanzania
UDSM Applicants Selected 2023-2024
Tumaini University Makumira Dar es Salaam College TUDARCO selected applicants 2023/24 [PDF Download]
CBE DODOMA – College of Business Education selected applicants 2021/22Â
University Of Dodoma Applicants Selected 2023/24
National Institute of Transport NIT selected applicants 2023/24
Sokoine University of Agriculture – SUA selected applicants 2023/24
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