Mufindi Community Bank Plc (MuCoBa)

Mufindi Community Bank Plc (MuCoBa)
MuCoBa – the first Community bank in Tanzania
MuCoBa was established in December 1998 and was the first Community bank operating in Tanzania that was under the supervision of the Bank of Tanzania. The objective of establishing MuCoBa was to provide financial services to the low and medium income earners in Mufindi district especially in rural areas.
MuCoBa is not standing alone. Since the services of MuCoBa are directly linked with the society (community members), it collaborates with other stakeholders. These stakeholders include the government, the NGOs, various companies, donors and development programmes.
The number one priority for MuCoBa are its clients. MuCoBa’s mission is to provide quality and appropriate financial services that help in creating employment to the community and wealth to shareholders and clients.
Since 2000 MuCoBa steadily grew. MuCoBa aims at improving its growth in order to expand outreach and serve more community members.
You’re kindly invited to read and learn more about MuCoBa on the other pages of the website.

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