About the Ministry
The Ministry of Industry and Trade is one of the Sectoral Ministries in the country created by Government Declaration No.144 of April 22, 2016 which was amended on October 7, 2017. The Ministry is responsible for preparing and overseeing the implementation of policies and strategies. range related to the development of large, medium, small and very small industries; large and small businesses; promoting and exploring new domestic and foreign marketing opportunities as well as developing regional and international trade partnerships. Thus, it is responsible for ensuring that the Government’s goal is achieved by coordinating and overseeing the implementation of policies and laws that guide the development of the Industrial and Commercial Sector. The aim is to build an inclusive and inclusive economy driven by industrial activities to bring about economic development and a better life for its citizens.
The Ministry implements policies, laws, strategies, programs and various sectoral plans in accordance with national guidelines as stipulated in the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania; National Development Vision 2025; CCM Manifesto for the 2020 General Elections; and the Third Five Year National Development Plan 2021 / 22-2025 / 26. In addition, the Ministry is implementing the Strategic Plan 2021/2022 – 2025/2026 which provides industry direction in the implementation of the key issues identified in the National, International Plans and Directions of the country’s top leaders.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade has a unique role to play in implementing the National drive to build an industrial economy to stimulate economic transformation and human development. The objectives of building an industrial economy are: To bring about inclusive and sustainable development using available resources and thus contribute to producing and promoting the required technologies; Provide more and more sustainable employment opportunities by focusing on building raw materials industries and thus having a long value chain; and Linking other sectors to the manufacturing sector (backward and forward linkage) to take the country to the next level as it has already reached the level of a middle-industrialized economy by 2025.