NACTE: Entry Requirements For Teacher Training Colleges in Tanzania

NACTE: Entry Requirements For Teacher Training Colleges in Tanzania : Sifa za kujiunga na Vyuo Vya Ualimu Tanzania, Orodha ya Vyuo Vya Ualimu Tanzania, NACTE: Orodha ya Wanafunzi Waliochaguliwa Kujiunga na Vyuo Vya Ualimu Tanzania 2024.

NACTE: Entry Requirements For Teacher Training Colleges in Tanzania

NACTE: Entry Requirements For Teacher Training Colleges in Tanzania:

Entry Requirements for Teacher Training Colleges in Tanzania (sifa za kujiunga na vyuo vya ualimu 2024) – things to note. Knowing that there are many teacher training colleges available to you is one thing and actually qualifying to join one.

As much as you would like to enroll in such a school, it is important that you understand what it takes to gain admission. This is where the entry requirements for registration come in. There are some basic requirements that every teacher training college needs to have potential candidates before they are allowed to join the institutions. These requirements depend on the type of course one wants to take.

NACTE: Entry Requirements For Teacher Training Colleges in Tanzania TLF Programs

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) has asked NACTE to coordinate admission applications for certificate and diploma in teacher education to be submitted by public teacher colleges.

The Ministry has established and issued an entry requirement for teacher education programs to guide the admission of students to public and private teacher colleges for a given academic year.

Diploma programs in secondary education included:

  • social sciences and languages,
  • local sciences,
  • business education,
  • mathematics and sciences,
  • technical education,
  • physical education,
  • special needs education,
  • agriculture and fine arts

Certificate level teacher education programs are:

  • Grade IIIA in Elementary Education,
  • Early Childhood Education,
  • Physical Education, and
  • Certificate in Special Needs Education.

The minimum entry qualifications set by MoEST were as detailed here:


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