Agriculture Research Institute

JOBS IN TANZANIA>>Agriculture Research Institute
The Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) was established by Parliament Act No. 10 of 2016 to promote and strengthen the agricultural research system in Tanzania. TARI is a semi-autonomous body under the Ministry of Agriculture, which is responsible for all agricultural research activities carried out by the National Agricultural Research System (NARS) in Tanzania.
The mission of the Institute is to carry out, organize, promote and coordinate all agricultural research activities carried out by public and private research institutes or organizations in Tanzania. TARI aims to strengthen the national agricultural research system to promote the development and diffusion of technologies, innovations and management practices (TIMP) to meet the real needs of farmers and other agricultural stakeholders.

TARI has a network of 9 research centers and 8 affiliated centers. The centers are TARI Makutupora, TARI Ilonga, TARI Selian, TARI Ukiriguru, TARI Naliendele, TARI Mlingano, TARI Tumbi, TARI Uyole and TARI Kihinga. The subsidiary centers are TARI Hombolo, TARI Dakawa, TARI Maruku, TARI Mikocheni, TARI Tengeru, TARI Kifyulilo, TARI Ifakara and TARI TARI Kibaha. TARI is based in Dodoma, Tanzania. The TARI centers and their detailed research programs are shown in the following table.


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