Agriculture Sector Support Program

JOBS IN TANZANIA>>Agriculture Sector Support Program
The Agricultural Sector Development Program (ASDP) is the programmatic framework for developing the agricultural sector and operationalizing the ASDS. It is part of the operational response to a set of policies and initiatives aimed at reorienting and revitalizing the national economy. The Agricultural Sector Development Program is the central government’s main tool for coordinating and controlling agricultural development and the integration of national reforms. It also creates operational links between key ministries of the agricultural sector (ASLM) and other national stakeholders, as well as introducing more efficient management systems.
The Urban Development Program bridges the gap between on-the-ground planning and demand-driven planning and the mobilization and monitoring of national and international investments in agriculture.
These changes require changing the way the public sector operates. They include a better critical analysis of projects and programmes, a better understanding of farmers’ needs, identification of risks to ensure the profitability of agriculture, and a greater respect for the principles of good governance.
It incorporates the key design principles set forth in the ASDP.
Increase beneficiaries’ control over resources. Stresses the importance of increasing farmers’ voice in local planning processes and increasing their control over the design and implementation of priority investments and the types of services they need;
Diversity in the scope of services. It aims to provide wider options in providing services to increase profitability and competition;
Results-oriented resource transfers: resources are allocated to local authorities through transparency and equity through the adoption and expansion of the local government grant system;
Integration with government systems: Existing government planning and financing systems are used to ensure sustainability.
ADP. Finance
The ASDP is funded through General Budget Support (ABG), the ASDP Basket, provincial projects (PADEP, DASIP, ASPS, and AMSDP) and contributions from beneficiaries. Private sector investment – the resources that farmers, traders, and processors mobilize to make agriculture a reality – is a critical contributor to the success of the agricultural software development program. The 2006/07 financial year was the first year of program implementation under the mutual fund agreement.
Agriculture Sector Support Program
Phone Number
255 25 2640219

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