Ilonga Agriculture Research Institute

Ilonga Agriculture Research Institute>>Jobs in Tanzania
The Training Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture (MATI) llonga is a government training institute of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Safety, located about 10 kilometers northeast of the city of Kiluzha, Morogoro district. Founded in 1972, it has grown over the years in both size and quality.
It offers certificate and diploma level training in the areas of agriculture, animal production, food science and nutrition, and also offers personalized training to farmers and other clients.
Diploma-level training programs
The institute offers two-year diploma-level programs to in-service students and constitutes six graduates. In-service students must have MAI or LlTl certificates, while making up six jobs are those who have completed science subjects and have at least major and minor passes.
Diploma in Food Production and Nutrition (DFPN)
This diploma aims to provide students with knowledge and skills in the production, processing, preservation and use of food to improve the nutritional status and income of the family. the classroom
The content is as follows: –
food science
Human Nutrition
home management
Food processing and preservation
Principles of agricultural and livestock production
protection plan
Animal production and husbandry
agricultural economics
Agricultural orientation
A special project
my business field
Diploma in General Agriculture (DGA)
This diploma provides a wide range of skills in agricultural and livestock production so that apprentices can eventually perform better as agribusiness employees and as private farmers. The content of the course is as follows:
Principles of agricultural and livestock production
Plant anatomy and physiology
Microbiology and parasitology
cattle diseases
Crop protection
Principles of agricultural and livestock production
ground study
Production of cereals, legumes and tubers.
Natural resource management from soil science
Pasture and forage production
Meat inspection and sanitation
animal husbandry
Milk and livestock
Human nutrition and biochemistry
Poultry and pig farming
Goat and sheep farming
Agricultural and agro-industrial economics
Agricultural orientation
A special project
my business field
school faculty
The institute has well-trained and specialized staff in various fields such as food science, home management, horticulture, agriculture, livestock, agricultural agricultural extension, farm management, and farm mechanization.
Teaching facilities
The institute has facilities that enhance its ability to offer various training programs.
Library services
The institute has an extensive and well-stocked library with the latest books, magazines, and other publications to cater for the different disciplines on offer.
Training and production units
There are several modules that allow students to gain ‘hands-on experience’ during practical sessions, and the modules include:
Livestock in the cheese factory.
Birds and Rabbits Unit where the student can practice livestock production;
An agricultural holding in which different field crops are grown;
an oxidation unit with a well-prepared oven;
rural craft unit where students can practice different mechanization skills;
an organic garden where crops are grown without the use of chemicals;
A computer and an audiovisual module that facilitates the inclusion of training and the production of training materials;
small canning unit;
Laboratory equipped to face various analyzes.
Cooperation with other organizations
The institute maintains official links with the Ilonga Agricultural Research Institute and the neighboring seed farm Msimba. These and other private commercial farms in the vicinity provide ideal practical locations for our students to visit to supplement their theoretical knowledge.
Training fee
The institute offers full board and full board services, however it can also accommodate day students at much lower rates. The training fees currently are:
(a) Tshs sponsored by institutional institutions. 540,000 / = per year;
(b) Self-sponsored or parent-sponsored Tshs. 360,000 / = annually;
(c) Tshs of the student’s day. 200,000 / = per year; AND
(D) International students $ 2000 per year

Ilonga Agriculture Research Institute
Phone Number
255 23 2623328

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