Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre (TFNC)

JOBS IN TANZANIA>>Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre (TFNC)
The Ministry of Health started nutrition activities in Tanzania in the fifties of the last century based on reports showing an increase in the number of deaths, an increase in various diseases, the occurrence of hunger and the presence of other stimulants that contributed to sustainable growth. And great efforts were made to combat all conditions, such as the deterioration of the health status of certain groups of people. In addition, an intersectoral cooperation system was implemented and led to the creation of a multi-sectoral advisory committee whose main objective was to provide advice on various nutrition issues.
After independence, the main political contribution to nutrition was instrumental in the development of food activities in the country. In 1963, Hon. President Julius K. Nyerere Government’s role in combating malnutrition. This led to the establishment of the first Nutrition School in 1966, which focused on capacity building for nurses, agricultural care officials, social welfare officials, and teachers. The Arusha Declaration adopted in 1967 emphasized the struggle against sustainability for private collections at all levels. Thus these efforts led to various departments carrying out nutritional activities, and a sign of responsible interaction began to appear.
By this logic, much of the nutrition work has been done without the foundation having the legal authority to direct and regulate nutrition issues. This situation led to the idea of ​​establishing an independent Institute of Food and Nutrition to coordinate all food and nutrition activities, an idea that had the support of many people in the country who were involved in nutrition activities. Thus a team was formed under the supervision of the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) tasked with establishing the structure of the institution, and the team completed its work in 1972 as it recommended the participation of more sectors. The structure was approved and successfully established the Tanzania Institute of Food and Nutrition (TCLT) under Law No. 24 of 1973. In 1974, the Tanzania Food and Nutrition Institute was officially launched under the Ministry of Agriculture, later transferred to the Office of the Prime Minister and then the Ministry of Health.

executive director
Tanzania Food and Nutrition Institute,
22 Barack Obama Road.
P.O BOX 977,
Dar es salaam, Tanzania
For Government Offices Only: mail@tfnc.go.tz
Telephone: +255 734366569, +255 22 2118137
Nukushi: +255 22 2116713
Email: info@tfnc.go.tz
Website: www.tfnc.go.tz

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