Kilimanjaro Airports Development Company (KADCO)
Historical background
Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA) was built in 1971 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Tanzania’s national independence. Since then, it has taken a lot of effort to upgrade the airport into a world class entry point to the region, and this is emblematic of the main expectations of tourism in Tanzania. The airport is strategically located approximately halfway between the tourist cities of Arusha and Moshe, and is connected to this city by a well runway road. The strategic location aims to rival the nearby airport for East African tourists from all over the world. It is the second largest airport in Tanzania after Julius Nyerere International Airport located in the city of Dar es Salaam.
To make the airport more efficient and modern, the government of Tanzania in 1998 decided to operate the airport under a public-private partnership model and formed the Kilimanjaro Airport Development Corporation (KADCO) with the aim of managing and operating Kilimanjaro International Airport.
The government reviewed the performance of the contract between the performance of the partnership and was not satisfied with the performance of the company henceforth bought all the shares from investors in 2010 and currently the airport is wholly owned (100%) by the government of the United Republic of Tanzania.
Kilimanjaro Airports Development Company Limited is a corporate body with perpetual succession and joint seal charged with the responsibilities of operating or managing airport and airport facilities and development of airport facilities assets in any event. It has the power to file suit and file suit. The company was incorporated under the Companies Act (CAP, 212) of 2002 as a limited liability company based in the United Republic of Tanzania and its shares are not publicly traded. As such, KADCO has the power to enter into such contracts as it may deem necessary or appropriate for the purpose of performing its functions.
Roles and Functions
The main functions of KADCO as per the Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, Franchise and Lease Agreement are as follows:
I. To operate, manage, maintain and develop airports, facilities and assets;
Secondly. To train employees and workers both in Tanzania and abroad for the purpose of obtaining technical competence in the various disciplines associated with the company’s business
Third. To provide convenient, efficient and safe services and facilities for the movement of passengers and goods;
Fourthly. To ensure the implementation of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), national regulatory requirements and industry best practices in KIA;
v. Continue to promote and market KIA as a preferred gateway for tourism business traffic in East Africa;
VI. Increase and maintain profitability to generate more revenue from aviation and non-air sources;
VII. • Championing KIA as a major destination and gateway for foreign visitors, in order to cement its position as an aviation and tourism hub to the Northern Passage;
viii. Providing a conducive work environment that employs, enhances and maintains an efficient, motivated and productive workforce; And
ix. Demonstrate a sense of social responsibility by taking into account the interest of the society in which he works.
Dr. Natu E. Mwamba – Board Chairperson
Prof. Bonaventure S. Rutinwa – Board Member
Dr. Betram B. Kiswaga – Board Member
Eng. Julius B. Ndyamukama – Board Member
Ms. Leticia M. Mutaki – Board Member
Eng. Chrispianus B. Ako – Board Member
Samwel Werema
Christine Mwakatobe-Acting Managing Director
Martin Kinyamagoha – Director of Operations & Technical Services
Mary E. Kimambo – Director of Finance and Cooperate Services
Mwamini Musa – Acting Finance Manager
Methew Ndosi – Acting Technical Services Manager
Shani Kimanga- Human Resources & Administration Manager
Aziz Abdillah- Acting Business Development Manager
Magati Munyambo – ICT Manager
Kisusi Justine Makomondi- Airport Security Manager
Hamisi Tembele- Estate & Environmental Manager
Benedict Kanaku- Head of Internal Audit
Idrissa Washington- Head of Safety & Compliance
Donat Mnuka- Airport Operations Manager
To be the preferred airport operator in Africa
To operate and manage Kilimanjaro International Airport as a distinct, safe, secure and customer-oriented African airport that contributes to the economic growth and development of Tanzania