Population Services International (PSI)

PSI is committed to complying with the letter and spirit of all laws, regulations and contractual obligations to which it is subject. It is also committed to ensuring that all funds with which it is entrusted are used to achieve maximum impact on its programs. PSI provides exceptionally strong financial, operational and program management systems to ensure rigorous internal controls are in place to prevent and detect fraud, waste and abuse and ensure compliance with the highest standards.

PSI has a zero-tolerance for the misuse of funds and resources. To help us identify any potential misuse we need your help. If you are aware of circumstances where you believe PSI’s resources have been or are being misused in some way, please alert us to the situation. PSI encourages all stakeholders to report any concerns about fraud, waste, abuse, corruption, non-compliance, and employee misconduct.

To this end, PSI provides a whistleblower reporting hotline for the confidential and anonymous reporting, without fear of retaliation, of these concerns: Global Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-844-888-FREE and help@befree.org. This hotline is maintained by an independent third-party provider to protect the anonymity of all users.

Tanzania Branch Office
12th Floor FayKat Tower, Plot No: 236-238 | Ali Hassan Mwinyi
Road, Block:41, | P.O. Box 33500, Dar es Salaam
P: +255 22 266 4682 / +255 22 266 4683 m:+255 754 781 110
info@psi.or.tz | www.psi.or.tz

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