Basic Home Networking Hardware Requirements
While setting up a home network isn’t necessarily an expensive or difficult project, you’ll need a few basic pieces of hardware to connect computers, printers, game consoles, miscellaneous gadgets, and tasks with each other — and the Internet.
Need Purpose
DSL or Cable Modem A DSL or cable modem connects your computer to high speed DSL
or an internet connection via cable. Although the dial-up modem is still
available for slower dial-up Internet connections, the connection
speeds are too slow for a home network.
Wired or Wireless Router A wired or wireless router connects a DSL or cable modem to it
your home network. Many DSL/cable modems now have routers built in
allows you to connect your network directly to the Internet connection.
Wired or Wireless Network Adapters A wired or wireless network adapter is the hardware on your device
computer (or printers, game consoles, and other networks equipment) that connects your computer to your network.
Ethernet cables Ethernet cables are used to connect wired network adapters to a router or network switch even if you are using a wireless device router, you will need at least one Ethernet cable to connect wireless router to DSL or cable modem.