How Microsoft Windows 7 Organizes Data

How Microsoft Windows 7 Organizes Data

When you work in a program, such as a word processor, you save the document as a file. You can save the files to your computer’s hard drive, removable storage media such as USB flash drives (which are about the size of a pack of gum that you insert into a USB port on your computer), or recordable DVDs (small discs). flat you can insert into the drive on your computer).
You can organize files by placing them in folders. Windows helps you organize files and folders in the following ways:
Take advantage of predefined folders: Windows prepares some folders for you. For example, the first time you start Windows 7, you find folders for Documents, Pictures, Videos, and Music that are already set up on your computer.

You can see it listed in Windows Explorer.

The Documents folder is a good place to store messages, community group presentations, family budgets, etc. The Pictures folder is where you store picture files, which you can transfer from a digital camera or scanner, receive in an email from a friend or family member, or download from the Internet. Likewise, the Videos folder is a good place to put files from your camcorder, and the Music folder is where you put the tunes you download or transfer from your music player.
Create your own folders: You can create any number of folders and give them a name that defines the types of files you’ll store there. For example, you can create a folder called Digital Scrapbook if you use your computer to create scrapbooks, or a folder called Taxes where you save email receipts for purchases and electronic tax filing information.

Put folders into folders to further organize your files: A folder you put inside another folder is called a subfolder. For example, in your Documents folder, you might have a subfolder called List of Holiday Cards that contains your annual holiday newsletter and address lists. In the Pictures folder, you can organize the picture files by creating subfolders that start with the year and then describe the event or topic, such as 2008 Home Garden Project, 2010 Christmas, and so on.
Move files and folders from one place to another: The ability to move files and folders helps you if you decide it’s time to reorganize the information on your computer. For example, when you start using your computer, you can save all your documents in the My Documents folder. That’s okay for a while, but over time, you may have dozens of documents saved in that one folder. To make it easier to locate your files, you can create subfolders by topic and move files to them.

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