How to Navigate the Windows 7 Desktop

How to Navigate the Windows 7 Desktop

Microsoft Windows 7 is a special type of software or software called an operating system. Windows 7 provides your computer with basic functions that enable you to run other programs and work with documents, pictures, and music. Here’s what you need to know to get around the Windows 7 desktop.
After turning on the computer and logging in with your username and password (if necessary), you will see a screen that says Windows is starting. Then you see the Windows desktop. Often an interesting picture or picture appears on the desktop.
The desktop contains icons – small images that represent programs or documents, such as letters and pictures. Icons provide a way to launch a program or open a document. The Windows 7 desktop displays an icon for the Recycle Bin, where deleted documents go. The Recycle Bin may be the only icon on your desktop, or you may see others.
The desktop also displays widgets, which are usually larger than icons. Widgets display information, such as the time (in hours) or the current weather report.

The Start button, located in the lower left corner of the screen, provides easy access to all the programs you use. This circular button displays the Windows logo – a four-color flag. You can click the Start button to display the Start menu, which is a list of options.
The area at the bottom of the screen and to the right of the Start button is the taskbar, where you see icons for some programs. The right end of the taskbar is an area called the notification area or icon tray, which displays the current date and time, as well as icons for other programs that start automatically when you start your computer. Shown here are messages called notifications. You can get information about these icons by hovering your mouse pointer over them. Click any icon in the icon tray to open the associated program, and right-click an icon to see a list of available options, such as those to change settings or exit the program.

For help, hover over anything on the screen to see a pop-up box or tooltip with a brief explanation of the item. Then look for the information on the screen. The bottom edge of the screen, called the status bar, may display help text that changes as you highlight different items on the screen. Some screens display blue links that you can click to get more information. In addition, many programs have a help menu. Click the Help menu to see a list of help options. You can also press the F1 key near the top of the keyboard to see help information.

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