Popular Things for Day Traders to Trade

Popular Things for Day Traders to Trade

You can day trade many different securities and derivatives! Sure, you want to trade anything that makes you money, but what the hell is that? Each market has its own nuances, so if you switch from futures to forex (foreign exchange), you could be on your way to disaster.
But if you know the markets you want to trade, you have a better idea of ​​what research services you need, what ongoing training you might want to consider, and how to assess your performance.
You can think of your chosen markets in the same way: what do you want to trade, where are you going to trade it, what is the risk and return, and what are some of the characteristics that make this market attractive to you?

Item                                 Main Exchange                            Risk/Reward                                     Characteristics
Stock index       Chicago Mercantile Exchange                          Zero sum/                                 Benefits from movements
futures                                                                                                 leverage                                           of broad markets
Treasury bond   Chicago Board of Trade                              Zero sum/leverage    Best way for day traders to play the
futures              (subsidiary of the Chicago Mercantile                                                                       bond market
Exchange Group)
Foreign exchange       Over the counter                                 Zero sum/leverage                Markets open all day, every day
except Sunday
Corn                  Chicago Board of Trade (subsidiary            Zero sum/leverage                        An agricultural
of the Chicago Mercantile                                                                                     market liquid enough
Exchange Group)                                                                                                   for day traders
Large-cap     New York Stock Exchange,                             Upward bias                                 Good stocks for
stocks                  NASDAQ                                                                                                                    day trading, large
and volatile

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