We supported KIWOHEDE to set up a pilot secondary school for young people who couldn’t access government secondary school, under an open distance learning model.
The school is part of the KIWOHEDE Bunju Multipurpose Centre, which offers education, protection and empowerment to Highly Disadvantaged Vulnerable Children and Youth (HDVC&Y). Child protection systems identify and rescue vulnerable children, who are referred to the centre for wraparound support. Secondary education is provided alongside psychosocial counselling, life skills training, vocational education, entrepreneurship support and medical services, as well as IT tuition, art therapy, and sports. The centre also has the expertise to facilitate family reunification and reintegration, access to legal aid and short term shelter for girls who are in crisis and in transition.
The centre aims to improve the standard of life for vulnerable children and young women, and enable them to build safe and secure futures.
Over the years, the project has developed and grown. We are very happy that since 2017, Italian NGO We World has recognised the effectiveness and importance of this model by supporting the Bunju Multipurpose Centre alongside Kiota.
Since 2003, we have funded water projects that have provided clean water to thousands, building projects that offer a safe place for young people to learn, develop and relax, and an education project offering secondary education to young people who would not otherwise have had the opportunity to continue their studies.
A huge asante sana (thank you very much in Kiswahili) goes out to all of our partners, supporters and volunteers, without whom this small, kitchen table charity wouldn’t have been able to achieve so much. It has been an absolute privilege.
We’d love to hear from you, if you’re interested in fundraising, please email kas@kiota.org
If you’d like to join our comms team, please email lauram@kiota.org
If you’d like to find out more about volunteering at Glastonbury, please email pippa@kiota.org