The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) is the federation of Lutheran churches in Tanzania and one of the largest Lutheran denominations in the world, with more than 6 million members, or 13% of the Tanzanian population. It is the second largest Lutheran church in the world and the largest Lutheran church in East Africa.
The church is led by a presiding bishop and twenty-five diocesan bishops, representing 26 dioceses. The Head Office of the Church is in Arusha, where it has owned the New Safari Hotel since 1967. The church is affiliated with the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC), the Christian Council of Tanzania, the Global Confessional and Missional Lutheran Forum, and the Lutheran World Federation.
The ELCT is an organization which reaches out to the people of Tanzania offering worship opportunities, Christian education, and numerous social services, including disaster response, healthcare, and AIDS education and relief
The Presiding Bishop or “Mkuu” is elected for a four-year term from amongst the Bishops of the dioceses.
Decision Making Bodies
The General Assembly of the Church meets every four years. An Executive Council consisting of
>> diocese Bishops
>> diocese Secretaries General
>> directors of Church institutions
meet three times each year, while an Executive Committee meets more frequently.
The Head Office
The three-pronged role of the ELCT Head Office is capacity building, advocacy and facilitation for the entire Church. There are at least 40 employees including supporting staff.
Under the new organisational structure that became effective in July 1998 there are four departments answerable to the Secretary General. The Secretary General’s Office has the Advocacy, Democracy and Communication Desks. Auditor General is advisor to the Executive Council. The four Departments are as follows:
Contact the ELCT
ELCT Head Office
P.O. Box 3033
Arusha, Tanzania
Telephone: +255 (27) 250-8856/7
FAX: +255 (27) 254-8858
General E-mail: