Liminal Space Deutsch

The word liminal comes from the Latin word ‘limen’, meaning threshold – any point or place of entering or beginning. A liminal space is the time between the ‘what was’ and the ‘next.’ It is a place of transition, a season of waiting, and not knowing.
Liminal space is where all transformation takes place, if we learn to wait and let it form us.
Author and Franciscan friar Richard Rohr describes this space as:

where we are betwixt and between the familiar and the completely unknown. There alone is our old world left behind, while we are not yet sure of the new existence. That’s a good space where genuine newness can begin. Get there often and stay as long as you can by whatever means possible…This is the sacred space where the old world is able to fall apart, and a bigger world is revealed. If we don’t encounter liminal space in our lives, we start idealizing normalcy.

These thresholds of waiting and not knowing our ‘next’ are inevitable and most are incredibly disruptive.
If you’ve found our site, you’re probably dealing with a change of some kind – a job change, moving to a new town, financial strain, loss, life discontent, divorce, empty nest, a health diagnosis, or retirement, just to name a few.  Whatever the change, it’s a seismic shift for you and the future seems uncertain.
When we are facing major change, most of us, if we’re honest, don’t know who to become or how to navigate ahead. We often miss the real potential of ‘in-between’ places – we either stand paralyzed or we flee quickly, anything to avoid the discomfort.
At Liminal Space, we believe that if you approach a season of change with intention and the help of others, you can boldly approach it and confidently move forward into your future.
If you find yourself facing a major change, we have a guide who can help.  That you feel lost, stuck, confused or aimless is NOT the problem to solve; these are all signs of an invitation to growth.  The work ahead – should you choose to accept the invitation – is to learn how to listen and read the clues of your life.  The clues are all around you, and, they are inside you.  Your job is to pay attention.
Our goal as your Liminal Guide is to help you gain deeper understanding of the change and with it find a clear path forward.  It’s a bit counter-intuitive, but we believe life’s most turbulent moments are where the best and most enduring transformation occurs. Immense growth happens here, if you learn how to listen to your life.
This doesn’t have to be something you endure and survive.  A Liminal Guide can help assist, advocate, challenge, and reshape an otherwise tumultuous expedition of change for the sake of your lasting transformation.

How do I start?

Schedule a free 45-minute exploratory session to learn more about our process and how we can help.
Instead, a daydream seems to exist in the liminal space
between sleep dreaming and focused attentiveness, in which we are still awake but not really present.
The liminal space
between childhood and adulthood is a rich landscape for young adult and adult readers alike, and not solely because growing up is an experience every reader shares.
Zimbabwe continue to tread the liminal space
between cricket’s haves and have-nots, neither here nor there, betwixt and between, part of cricket’s society but never fully integrated anywhere.
Despite its gleaming, space-age design, this airport like all airports is a modern purgatory, a liminal space
between nation-states.
For many people now, there is a liminal space
between reality and fantasy where our online lives reside, where the boundaries of acceptable behavior and cheating become fuzzy.
He and his work occupy a liminal space
between genres and genders.
The edge of things is a liminal space
— a very sacred place where guardian angels are especially available and needed.
They were still moving through war zones, but the women were no longer in a liminal space
But that quote also speaks to the liminal space
“ethnic” musicians have to fill, forced into the role of cultural ambassador/advocate, but risking anytime they call out mistreatment.
The labyrinths are meant to explore liminal space
and the possibilities presented by striving after new forms and structures.

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