Latest Job Opportunity at APT Action on Poverty, Tanzania Private Sector Consultancy

Latest Job Opportunity at APT Action on Poverty, Tanzania Private Sector Consultancy
Tanzania Private Sector ConsultancyÂ
Tanzania Private Sector Consultancy
Terms of Reference
APT Action on Poverty is a UK based international development organisation (NGO), with a focus on supporting African employment and enterprise, and addressing issues with social impact such as child labour and gender inclusion. We have been working in communities in Tanzania on livelihoods and group development since 2013.
There are increasing funding opportunities for joint programmes with larger private sector businesses/cooperatives and NGOs to grow the business as well as provide social and economic benefit to supply chain actors, and particularly to large numbers of low income small-holder farmers. Whilst APT does not have the funding to invest ourselves we have the skills, connections, and capacity to:
Access grant opportunities as and when they become available from funders of development
Support the development of businesses and value chains, particularly amongst smallholders and supply chains.
The purpose of the consultancy is to identify businesses:
which have links to large numbers of small-holder farmers/low-income individuals as part of their supply chain. Whilst we have interest in Arusha and Moshi in the Kilimanjaro Region, these are not exclusive. It is understood that company headquarters may not be based in these areas.
who work to deliver innovations such as solar power or irrigation solutions to small holder farmers/low-income individuals.
who would consider working with APT to develop their supply/value chains, with a broad indication of their key challenges.
Selection of Businesses and Required information:
A suitable business would be:
One that adds value to agricultural crops or products, such as beans, peanuts, sesame seed, coffee, cotton, cashew nuts, tobacco, tea and sisal, food/drinks processing (this is not an exclusive list).
Where produce/labour is provided by many individuals – including farmers/small cooperatives, artisanal miners, rather than large scale mining/mono-cropping.
Legally registered and operating business, preferably Tanzanian owned, with links to (preferably) Moshi and Arusha.
One that is open to engaging further with APT to discuss a partnership.
One that is willing to consider co-investing £50,000-£250,000 as a 50% contribution to jointly apply with APT for a business type grant.
We would require an outline profile of each business including the following information:
i. Business name, address and contact details
ii. Clear confirmation and status on the selection criteria 1-5 above
iii. The business role in the value chain
iv. Description of the current difficulties the business is experiencing
v. Relationship with small holders and their estimated numbers
Further information will be gathered by the consultant (refer to process below) on three or more businesses which fit the selection criteria, to include the following topics, depending on what the businesses is willing to disclose at this early stage:
Ownership structure of the business, with details of subsidiary/parent businesses and broad outline of existing agreements and relationships with other businesses
No. and breakdown of formally employed staff. Description of other informal staff/suppliers of goods or services
Description (business’s perception) of their current and potential market
Expansion plans of the business; focusing on those with income exceeding £100,000 per year
Challenges in the supply chain or potential areas where value could be added; for example by increasing or developing small-holder farmers productive capacity or through improved impact on local communities.
Comments on potential for improvements in gender equality or women’s empowerment (e.g. in women’s involvement in the value chain or directly in the business).
Scoping exercise – consultant prepares a list of suitable businesses.
Consultant discusses the findings with APT then together decide a short list.
Consultant gathers more detailed information on selected businesses through discussion with senior personnel (minimum of 3 companies).
Consultant presents verbal and written report to APT two week after completion of business visits. Written report should include profiles of identified businesses.
Experience And Qualifications
This consultancy is for Tanzanian Nationals. The consultant will have a good understanding of the Agricultural Sector in Tanzania, regional and local economic trends. An understanding of the NGO/CBO sector is an advantage. The consultant must have good spoken and written English language. The consultant will have considerable report writing experience combined with experience of developing and carrying out (market) research, including interviewing stakeholders.
Length of Consultancy: 8 days spread over a period between contract signature and report submission. The consultancy will be based in Tanzania with a competitive fee based on experience.
Initial report to be submitted within one month of contract signature, by 14th March 2022.
How to apply
To Apply
All applicants must send a cover letter explaining their interest and how they meet the requirements for the consultancy. Applicants must provide a sample of two reports or other written work that they have been part of, and a proposal for how they would use the 8 days to produce the deliverables.
Send your submission (in English) to:

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