Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism(Tanzania)

Sustainable conservation of natural and cultural resources and the development of responsible tourism.
Sustainably preserve natural and cultural resources and develop tourism for national prosperity and benefit of mankind by establishing appropriate policies, strategies and guidelines; Drafting and enforcing laws and regulations; monitoring and evaluating policies and laws;
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism of the United Republic of Tanzania, is the ministry responsible for managing natural, cultural and tourism resources. Tanzania has great potential for natural resources, cultural and tourist attractions. In terms of wildlife, the current network of wildlife protected areas (PAs) in Tanzania consists of 16 national parks and Ngorongoro Conservation Areas, 38 game reserves and 43 game areas under control. The network of wildlife protected areas covers 307,800 square metres. kilometers (32.5%) of the total land area of ​​Tanzania.
Ministry ’Telephone
+255 22 2861870/1/2/3 /
Telephone Numbers
+255 22 2864216 – Honorable Minister,
+255 22 2864227 – Honorable Deputy Minister
+255 22 2864230 – Secretary General,
+255 22 2861874 – Deputy Secretary General
+255 22 2864236 – Director of Administration
+255 22 864249 – Director Forestry and Beekeeping.
+255 22 2864258 – Director of Antiquities,
+255 22 2864267 – Department of Antiquities,
+255 22 2864271 – Director of Tourism,
+255 22 2864275 – Department of Tourism,
+255 22 2864241 – Director Policy and Planning,
+255 22 2864243 – Chief Accountant,
+255 22 2864239 – Internal Audit,
+255 22 2864247 – Supply Unit,
+255 22 864238 – Lawyer,
+255 22 2864257 – Forest Consultant.
Fax / Fax Numbers
+255 22 2864217 – Hon Minister
+255 22 2864234 – Secretary General,
+255 22 2864237 – DAHRM,
+255 22 2864246 – Chief Accountant
+255 22 2864255 – Director – Forestry and Beekeeping,
+255 22 2864259 – Director – Antiquities,
+255 22 2864272 – Director- Tourism
Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism,
Prime Minister’s Road,
S. L. P 1351,
40472, Dodoma, Tanzania

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