About Hotel
See why so many travelers make Protea Hotel Dar es Salaam Oyster Bay their top choice when visiting Dar es Salaam. It offers the perfect blend of value and convenience, and offers a range of amenities designed for travelers like you.
The rooms at Protea Dar es Salaam Oyster Bay feature a flat-screen TV, air conditioning, and a kitchenette that provides exceptional comfort and convenience, and guests can connect to the Internet with free Wi-Fi.
24 hour front desk, room service, and a coffee shop are some of the amenities offered at this hotel. The pool and free breakfast will also help make your stay even more special. If you are driving to the Protea Hotel Dar es Salaam Oyster Bay, free parking is available.
For those wanting to check out the famous landmarks while visiting Dar es Salaam, the Protea Hotel Dar es Salaam Oyster Bay is just a short walk from the Slipway Shopping Center (3 mi) and the Dar es Salaam War Cemetery (2.1 mi).
When you’re feeling hungry, be sure to visit The Beach Club, Mamboz Restaurant, and Barbeque Village, some of the barbecue restaurants popular with locals and travelers alike.

Dar es Salaam is also home to Petite Park, a popular park not far from the Protea Hotel Dar es Salaam Oyster Bay.
We are sure that you will enjoy your stay at the Protea Hotel Dar es Salaam Oyster Bay where you will experience all that Dar es Salaam has to offer.
Haile Selassie Road, Oyster Bay
Tel: +255 22 2666665, +255 784 666 665
P. O. Box 2158
Dar es Salaam – Tanzania

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