Weight Training: Considering How Much Weight to Lift

Weight Training: Considering How Much Weight to Lift

If you use weight training to increase your strength, you need to lift an amount of weight that puts pressure on your muscles. This should be enough weight so you feel the challenge as you lift, so the last repetition (repetition) is hard to complete – hard, but still possible and still using good form.
After around the age of 30, you lose bone mass for the rest of your life. But don’t let that scare you, because there is a solution. To maintain bone density (that is, to build enough bone density to offset the loss of bone density that occurs as you age), you need to perform weight-bearing exercises.

Weight-bearing exercises mean that your skeleton supports any type of weight, such as when you’re walking, running, or lifting weights. Theories abound as to why weight-bearing exercises build bone density, but what’s more likely is that your body creates osteoblasts, or cells that form more bone when muscles are stressed. This phenomenon occurs when muscles flex and pull on the tendons to which they are attached. This means that when your muscles (and thus your bones) are put under stress, such as during weight-bearing exercises, your bones adapt to the pressure and become denser (which means they are stronger).
Lifting weights is one of the best ways to build bone density, because you load your muscles (and therefore your bones) with weights. As your muscles gain strength, you need to gradually increase the load on them by increasing the amount of weight you lift.

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