Meeting Your Puppy’s Basic Needs

Meeting Your Puppy’s Basic Needs

Your puppy has basic needs – eating, drinking, going to the bathroom, sleeping and playing – and an instinct to satisfy them. When these basic needs are routinely met by a loving caregiver, without stress, discipline or confusion, the puppy develops a strong bond with that person.
When their needs are not met, puppies begin to nibble and, if directed, may bark and become frantic and restless. If the initial jumps are met with strict discipline, the puppy may develop defensive reactions, such as aggression or barking.
Eating food
Puppies are happiest when a predictable routine is established. A hungry pup is understandably upset and may show you by eating anything – even hard-to-digest things like tissues or walls! Set feeding times and stick to them as much as possible. Check your watch if you notice your puppy becoming cranky or fussy.
The behavior may be the result of hunger stress.
A young puppy has a high metabolic rate and should eat more frequent meals. Arrange three to four meals throughout the day, eliminating meals slowly as the puppy matures. At some point after your puppy reaches 10 months to a year, your puppy may naturally drop one meal: however, most dogs prefer two meals a day.

Puppies need plenty of water, especially when the weather is hot or when they are chewing and playing. Although allowing them to have water when their regimen requirements are important, monitoring their drinking habits is just as important. Bladder muscles are the last muscles to develop, so what goes in comes out fast!
Create a drinking station for your puppy and keep his plate there whether it is empty or full. Give your puppy water with his meals; after playing, chewing, or napping; You are on your way to its Qasriyah district. If you forget, fill up the water dish and leave it outside throughout the day.
Water restriction after 7:30 pm. Unless you want to get up all night and take your puppy outside. If your puppy obviously needs a drink, give him a small amount or offer him some ice cubes.

Going to the bathroom
Your puppy’s biological clock will have him remove it on demand. When his bladder or bowels are pressed, he’ll release whether he’s outside or on papers — or on the rug, if you’re not watching him.
Your goal is to teach your puppy where to go and how to tell you if there is an obstacle (such as a door) preventing him from getting there. Fortunately, you will find this task easy after you stick to the routine and are able to relax your expectations. Your puppy needs a consistent schedule, routine, and pattern – all at your fingertips.

Create a quiet space where your pup can escape the daily bustle and catch up with him whenever he needs to. Clearly tell friends and family that this area — perhaps a crate, bed, room, or pen — is off-limits to people when your puppy needs a nap.
Young puppies require two to three hour sleep cycles each day. Set aside a quiet room for naps, using a crate or gate to contain your pup, and putting him in for scheduled naps during the day. Each time you lead the puppy to his resting area, say a word like “bed.” Eventually he’ll go to this area on his own when he’s tired.

The desire to play and actively express himself is one of the most natural responses in your puppy’s repertoire. As with children, playful and fun interactions can be great learning tools and can be used exclusively during the first few months together.
How you play with your puppy determines your long-term relationship. Rough games, such as wrestling or tug of war, convey confrontation, which can encourage tugging of other objects or rough play. A confrontational puppy is more likely to challenge you and ignore your direction. Games like two-ball toss, soccer, and name games instill cooperation and a fun-loving demeanor – this pup will never want to leave your side!

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