How to Cube a Mango without Peeling It

How to Cube a Mango without Peeling It

You can cut the mango into cubes after peeling them, but you can also cut the mango into cubes without having to remove the peel at all. This is an easy way to get mango cubes without the mess!
Mango pulp can be very slippery, so be extra careful when slicing the fruit. It helps to keep some paper towels nearby to wipe your hands while you work.
1. Cut the mango in half with a chef’s knife.
The mango has a large flat, oval pit. Cut them along one flat side near the hole. Turn the mango over on the other side and carefully make another slice along the other side of the hole. The hole will have a ring of flesh and skin still attached. (Enjoy this rest for yourself!)
2. Use a paring knife to make a series of diagonal cuts across one of the mango halves, being careful not to cut the skin.
Space the pieces 1 to 1 inch apart, depending on your preference.
3. In the same half of the mango, make a series of horizontal cuts, from the end of the stem to the tip.
Try not to cut the skin. You should see diamond-shaped pieces of fruit.
4. Turn half of the mango inside out.
Use your fingers to push the middle of the side of the mango peel. You want to make the cubes stick out of the skin (sort of like a porcupine or a hedgehog!).
At this point, you can put the mango on a plate and serve.
5. Cut the cubes away from the skin.
The leather holds the cubes in place so that you can remove them easily.
6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 with the other half of the mango.
Mangoes ripen if given a slight squeeze and have a fragrant aroma. You can increase the ripening process by placing the mango in a paper bag. Close the bag and leave it on your counter. Check the fruit every few days to check if it is ripe.

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