Disadvantages of Super-Zoom Cameras for HDR Photography

Disadvantages of Super-Zoom Cameras for HDR Photography

There are 1 million camera and gear options for HDR photography. One category is that of high-quality compact digital cameras, also called super-zoom cameras, or similar to dSLRs.
Here are the cons of spending more money to get a more capable camera:
Not a dSLR: With the higher cost, you approach the price of a budget dSLR but don’t get the same benefits. If you’re considering upgrading to a DSLR, think seriously about the two types of cameras and whether you need the super zoom.
No matter how much a super zoom camera costs, the camera and lens combined often cost less than a professional-quality zoom or dSLR telephoto lens.
Flexibility: Ultra-zooms tend to be single-purpose cameras. Sure, you can stand on the sidelines of a soccer game and take pictures of little Timmy along the way as he races against his heart. However, the wide-angle capability is limited, which may limit your ability to shoot certain scenes in HDR. High-quality engagements are more diverse.
Noise:Compared to dSLRs, these cameras have more noise, especially at higher ISO levels. Shooting at ISO 100 can nullify this problem.

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