Peripheral device connections to your PC

Peripheral device connections to your PC Peripherals are connected externally to your computer. Your actual computer, in and of itself, is nothing but a console (or tower). Everything else is marginal. To do a lot of anything with a computer, you’ll need at least a few peripherals. Connect primary peripherals The following peripherals are found … Read more

How to change keyboard settings on Computer/ Laptop

Change keyboard settings on Computer/ Laptop The keyboard is the primary input device for your computer. Knowing how to control the keyboard or change keyboard settings is crucial to the operation of your computer. After pressing and holding a key for a certain time, that key repeats. Pausing before a key is repeated is to … Read more

Hardware Settings and Controls on Windows 10 PC

Hardware Settings and Controls on Windows 10 PC To control the settings of different computers, you will find yourself visiting one of the two main sites in Windows. The first location, introduced in Windows 8, is the Settings app. The second location, common in all versions of Windows but hidden in Windows 10, is the … Read more

How to Print on Both Sides of a Paper

Printing on both sides of the paper is called duplex printing. Most printers offer the option to print automatically on both sides of the paper (Auto Duplex). Other printers provide instructions so that you can manually re-enter pages to print the second side (manual duplexing). First, find out from your printer manual or manufacturer if … Read more